Saturday, January 16, 2010

Seated Female Nude

Seated Female Nude, 2009
oil on canvas

I never caught this model's name. She was young, intelligent, fiercely attractive and very self-possessed. After painting her for two hours in my Figure Painting class, I had to go back and redo a lot later, but I'm happy with how it finally turned out.

Denise Seated

Denise Seated, 2009
oil on canvas

This is another painting from the fall Figure Painting class at the Art Academy. This model's name is Denise. I enjoyed painting her because she had a funky style, a beautiful face, and a fuller figure. From where I was sitting, she was being bathed in the light of the lamp.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Christopher on the Couch

Christopher on the Couch
oil on canvas

Painting someone at home allowed me to spend a lot more time on the painting than the 2 1/2 hours I usually get with a model at the Art Academy. This is one of my favorite paintings I've done in a long time.

Seated Older Man

Seated Older Man
oil on canvas

I love painting different kinds of people. A lot of models at the Art Academy tend to be thin, female, and Caucasian, so it was fun to get to paint someone so different. This older man had a lot of character ... he was really interesting to paint, and it was fun to see the way the artists in the class interpreted him.