Friday, December 25, 2009

Martha Seated (2009)

Martha Seated (2009)
oil on canvas

Martha models a lot at the Art Academy. I've painted her many times. She has an interesting face ... you can tell she's had a lot of experiences in life, both good and bad. She always looks serene while she's modeling.

Claire Seated (2009)

Claire Seated
oil on canvas

I just finished a Figure Painting class at the Art Academy of Cincinnati (taught by the awesome Gilbert Born). This is one my favorite paintings from the class. Someone said in the critique that it looked like a Circus side show.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hyde Park Observatory

Hyde Park Observatory
oil on canvas

This is the last of the landscape paintings I've started and completed over the summer. I usually don't try to paint architecture, because I prefer trying to make order out of the beautiful chaos of nature. However, I was attracted to the juxtaposition of the two houses next to the observatory tower.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Spring Grove Cemetery

Spring Grove Cemetery
oil on canvas

Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum is a gorgeous place. However, this painting drove me nuts. After redoing sections of it up to several times, I was finally able to finish it. Paintings are like children ... they can sometimes drive you crazy, and you have to let them go and let them be what they're meant to be.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Resurrected painting 2

Kentucky Riverside Drive
oil on canvas

Here is another painting I resurrected. Somehow I was able to take a painting that I hated and thought was beyond salvaging and turn it into one of my favorite recent paintings. It's like a late bloomer.

Resurrected painting 1

Mt. Airy
oil on canvas

Sometimes I will start a painting, think it's crap, and then, after a long period of time, pick it up again and find a way to resurrect it into something I like. Here is the first of two paintings I started in the summer of 08, then resurrected in the summer of 09. This one is from Mt. Airy.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Kentucky Riverside Park
oil on canvas

This was the first painting I did after taking an almost year-long break from painting. This painting, done at a riverside Park in Kentucky (I can't remember the name, but it's about 1/2 mile from the Party Source :) ) helped me rekindle my love of painting. I wanted to include two sweet older ladies who were sitting on the park bench, and I had to rush to paint them before they left!
Mariemont Garden
oil on canvas

This painting was done in July with my Painting Club, at the park right by the historic Mariemont church. All the plants and flowers were lush and in full bloom.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Turner Farm part II

Turner Farm (fence)

oil on canvas


This is the other painting that I did with my Painting Club at Turner Farm. There were these adorable sheep hanging out by the fence. I included some in my painting, which was tricky because they kept moving around!

Turner Farm

Turner Farm(Fence)
oil on canvas
A group of other artists that I know have formed an informal painting club. When the weather is cooperative, we meet at various locations in the Cincinnati area to paint. This summer, one of our "members" suggested we paint at Turner Farm. It is one of the most beautiful places in Cincinnati I've ever been!